Newsletter February

Ahoy matey

It's already the second month of 2022, wow that's a lot of 2's!! but this also means there is a new newsletter!

Updates about trainings:

Sadly Covid is still amongst us, this also had some consequences for us. The last few days of January and still ongoing we have to be without our super lovely trainer, luckily our beautiful association is capable enough to run itself. Making good use of our student trainers we were still able to give all of you a good time at trainings. Let's wish the best to Danique cause we do excualy miss her. :'-(

Activities from the last period:

Beer yoga

Our very own personal "yoga" instuctor Marieke delivered us a wonderful time during the Beer Yoga orginized bij the AcCo! Leaving many of us with a good start of a night of drinking. I'm quite sure someone can tell us about a really great long night in the next issue of Verrek!

Pancake break

To help us get through our rough exams the AcCo baked a whole lot of pancakes to keep our spirits high.

Things not to miss in the future:

Valentine's Running Barbecue

The AcCo is also turning themselves into Cupid, they will be making matches for a cute couple barbecue.

Quotes from the last period:

And of course, Keep it stretchy!!

The 45th board.