Newsletter January

Howdy Ho

The monthly newsletter has been gone for quite some time now ☹, but not to worry, it will make a great come back. For the ancient members, unlike me, might remember the old newsletters, and same as back then this one will be filled with updates about the association. And maybe there will also be some spicy quotes, who knows.

Updates about trainings:

After having trained inside for a great long period again the governmental measures hit again ☹. At we weren’t allowed to train after 17:00 anymore so all our trainings got cancelled and we thought there was no possibility to train anymore. But then we got the fortune to train on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. Unfortunately though, more measures were announced and group sporting was completely prohibited again, just like last year.
On the bright side of things we have had some fun times during the online trainings which will keep us strong and stretchy!!

Activity’s from the last period:

Ice skating

On the 25th of November, just before the evening lockdown, we had an amazing time ice skating. Orginized by our beautiful AcCo I think it's save to say everyone had loads of fun on the ice and maybe some people actualy "fell for another". We had a great time exhausting ourselfs all thanks to the AcCo.

Groups photo of ice skating


On the 27th of November we had our first Competition of the year, eventhough it was different than normal it was a great succes and we even got some Linea Recta wins!! you'll undoubtebly read lots about it in the next issue of the Verrek!

Groups photo of competition


It had taken a while because you guys ordered so much clothing but it all finally arrived and a great deal of people are already rocking our merch in public, have you spotted one already?? Unfortunately due to the lockdown we don't see all you beautiful members that much so we might have to come up with another way to give the last people there clothing.

Pieten gym

The latest activity the AcCo had orginized was the pieten gym, maybe slightly foreign to al our international members, it was great fun. Everybody really showed there best side and there was certainly no lack of creativity amongst the group of certainly real "pieten".

Christmas cards

As suprise to all our sporting members the board personally delivered handwritten christmas cards to all of those sporty members. All of you will always stay at the centre of what we do and we are really greatful for that.

Foto van bestuur met de kerstkaarten

Christmas break exposure

Their is a new committee on the block, the PRcie!! To kick things off they challenged all of you to promote Linea Recta wherever you guys were and share it on instagram using the #LRwashere. Who knows what fun stuff they will come up with in the future?

Things not to miss in the future:

Beer Yoga

The Beer Yoga will be on the 13th of January at 20:00 in the evening. If you still want to join you can do so before the 12:00 a clock on monday the 10th so be quick!! Click here to enroll

Quotes from the last period:

And ofcourse, Keep it stretchy!!

The 45th board.