Newsletter May
Well hello flamingo's!
Many things have happened. We are almost at the end of the year, but we still have some upcoming things and of course old things to tell you about.
Activities from the last period:
NSK competition Tilburg
We had yet another successful competition. Luckily we came home this time with both our flag and our dear Flippie. A lot of people were dressed up very nice for the theme: Out of this world. We are very proud of everyone who participated and a special shout out to the medallers under us.
Arashi exchange training
On back to back days we had the Arashi exchange training, where they came to us on wednesday and the day after we went to them. They were super excited and quick learners. It was however noticeable they struggle with pushing out. Seeing as they always try best each other by pulling. They were also very excited to learn that Tjerk was once a part of Linea Recta. This promised a very fun training the next day, which it was. And also very exhausting.
This year as well as years before Linea Recta was represented at the Batavierenrace. And what a sight. Thomas ran over the U-track with our flag and a flamingo around his waist. And Luz from U-turn made a back handspring right before the finish line. Of course, since we are located right here in Enschede, we also organize the BBQ for all the student gymnastics associations. Which after a little struggle was also a delicious success.
After two years the Sportgala was finally there. We dominated the Waarbeek with all our Linea Rectans. We made a ton of super cool photos and gathered so many cups to make a tower to drink from. A lot of people wore super cute pins, like the board ;). Will we see you there next year.
Lustrum photoshoot
On the last day of May we had the Lustrum photoshoot. With a professional photographer. All the lights were turned off, so there was a really cool effect to the photos. Unfortunately, this also meant we had some trouble with seeing where to jump and where to land. This caused for some really scary moments, but, overall it was a lot of fun and we can’t wait to see all the pictures.
New KB
Drumroll please…….. Because we have our new Candidate Board!! Whooohoooo!! We’d like to formally introduce to you Esther Mulder as our Chairwomen, Elfi Jenkins as our secretary, Ben van Viegen as our Treasur(er), Elske Feenstra as Officer of Internal Affaires and Jasper Wichers as Officer of External Affaires. We hope they are as excited as we are.
Coming up:
Comitteemarket + sale
On the 3d of June we will have a committee market and a sale. You can get to know some of our committees and buy some merch for a really cheap price. No need to sign-up. Just show up monday after the first training. Or better yet, stick around after you did the first training.
Exchange training Tartaros
On the 10th of June we will have an Exchange training with Tartaros. First we will join them, from 18:00 till 19:30 at the baan on the right side of the sportscentre. And no you are not mistaking, directly after that they will join us for the gymnastic straining. Either way, it promises to be a lot of fun so signup here.
Lustrum activity
With a new month comes a new fun Lustrum activity. on the 20th of June we have a "Rhönrad" training in Hengelo. There is no sign-up sheet yet, but keep an eye out.
ALA activity
For all of our active members we have an Active Member activity. Taking place on the 19th of June. More information on what we are going to do will come very soon. But it’s going to be a great reward for your hard work this year.
Rijssen training
Yes!! We have another Rijssen training on the 6th of June. It has been a busy couple of weeks so this is the perfect opportunity to catch up if you’ve missed a training, or some, lately. Click here.
Our next barday is also coming up on the 22d of June. Coïncedentely, this is Thomas’ birthday. As your present to one of the board members who did so much for you this year, sign-up soons for a barshift.
Here is some information about the next competition.
- What kind: NSTC Teams
- Where: Groningen (STUGG)
- Date: 8th and 9th of June
- Theme: Iconic teams
Quotes from the last period:
- Samuel: Is there an Amsterdam Centrale?
- Thijs: Welcome to the Jungle, this is the fastest route according to google maps
- Jort: Microdosis right, then you have to prick more often
- Ben: My nose is so big and still not enough air fits through
- Svenya: Kitty!! psspsspss.
- Thijs: Shall we throw him on the bbq
- Elske: I love tactical vomits
- Jack: Is there something you still want photographed
- Thomas: My sixpack